Tag Archives: Pen Addict

September Daily Samples, Akkerman

I made a note of where I first saw an Akkerman ink referenced, and have lost it somehow. Sigh. I keep starting new notebooks so I can find things easier but I REFUSE to pull my ink stuff out of my Captain’s Log. Refuse. 

Besides, it was probably on the Pen Addict blog, let’s be honest. I am read that blog all the time. I have learned a thousand things from it. Highly recommend. Actually, I love it so much, I am working my way backwards, as I keep up to date with the latest. It is a little weird seeing posts from near the beginning of the pandemic – I think I’m back in early 2020 at this point. 

What decided me on this one for this month was the numbered aspect actually. Numbered inks are both satisfying and have the potential to make me go a little out of control – if for example, I only need 30 or 31 of them but there are 70 in total… And if any of these names are misspelled, I am sorry, I may have lost one or two battles with the auto correct. 

Two lime green trays, the bottom one holds 20 ink sample vials, the top one is set on top of those vial caps, and holds 11 more vials. Each vial has a label which says what the ink is.
Akkerman Ink Samples

01 Passage Blauw

02 Redidentie Blauw

03 Blauw 

04 Nassaus Blauw

05 Shocking Blue

06 Binnenhof Blues

07 Koninginne Nach-Blauw

08 DiepDuin Water Blauw

09 Laan van Niew Oost-Indigo

10 Ijzer-galnoten Blauw-Zwart

11 Treves Turquois 

12 Mauritshuis Magenta

13 Simplisties Violet

14 Parkpop Purpur

15 Voorhout Violet

16 Oranje Boven

17 Staten-Generaal Rood

18 Garuda Rood

19 Rood Haags Pluche

20 Pulchri Pink

21 ChinaTown Red

22 Hopjesbruin

23 Bekakt Haags

24 Zuiderpark Blue-Green

25 Denneweg Groen

26 Goenmarkt Smaragd

27 Bezuidenwoud Groen

28 Hofkwartier Groen

29 Hofvijer Grijs 

30 Het Zwarte Pad

I am pretending I can understand what some of those mean, like Groen – green, clearly. Rood – red. Blauw – blue. We’ll certainly find out once I break into these!