Whew V, do I have a lot to tell you!

But first – sneese SUCK. They’re half snake and half geese and all mean! I did not enjoy that bit, but I got rid of them by making balls of light for them to chase. Smart, right? Yes. I am smart.

This was on the way to investigate that Gorgon thing, and was not what we thought! She’s under a curse, because she said she thought she was prettier than the Goddess Mithra, who apparently took offense. So now as a Gorgon, this poor lady has to guard the Eye of Shar – yeah I don’t know what that is. YET.
We headed back to the Library because I had some serious research to do, and turns out Mithra and Ioun and Shar are triplets! Go figure, right? Shar hasn’t been seen since the Portal Wars tho, which is like, forever. Her followers are still around but their religion sort of collapsed into some kind of cult when she disappeared. They are very bad news. There might be a secret temple tho! Seeeeecret TEMPLE. Fun.
Oh, while I was doing this research? Yeah, you know my notebook? The one I carry around all the time and am scribbling in constantly? I had that open on a shelf while I was looking something up, and a spectral version floated up out of it and suggested another place to look. Out loud. My book was talking to me. Not the weirdest thing to happen to me, but still. I named him BookMark, we call him ‘Mark for short and heck does he like to do research! And he is good at it, we make a good team.
However the Library did not have a ton on Shar, and Patricia, the head librarian? She suggested we go try the Library of Tyr, which is where Speak was, so perfect, and we haded there. Speaking of secret – they have secret areas in their library that only I can see the entrances of! I felt like the coolest kid in town. And ‘Mark picked up another word to repeat at odd times – “research” from before and now “knowledge” which was the secret passcode to get into the secret room in the library.
Anyway. Confirmed Shar is bad news, probably super evil, and her sisters locked her away. (Don’t get any ideas, you.)
We have to head back, Speak got put in charge of a sort of rescue mission and I want to stay with her. She keeps me safe. Like you used to. I miss you so much! This adventuring stuff is scary a lot, but mostly very fun? I hope I am getting better at all of this! Hope to see you soon, love you oodles and doodles!
For true and always,
Auster Truestone